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The podcast series to put the power of success in your hands, and help you expose the myths, master the methods, conquer the challenges, and enjoy the benefits of having happy, loyal, and supportive customers, by getting customer experience right!

Customer experience has become one of the most talked-about, but high-risk and reluctant areas of business investment.  Everyone seems to agree it’s important, but find it hard to justify why it’s important, why it should be improved, how much should be spent on it, and even, on what it should be spent!

Join me in this podcast series where I’ll be tackling some of the big challenges that often block the path to delivering effective customer experiences, and helping you to answer some of the big questions that often stand in the way of progress.

Apr 29, 2022

The world changed in 2020 and it forced businesses, their staff and their customers, to each recalibrate the needs, the value, and the loyalties of their relationships. We’ve been seeing businesses, public services, staff, and customers, all coping with EXTREMES - and many, stepping into unknown territory to go the extra mile to HELP one another.
In this episode, I want us to look at THE BIG PICTURE of why customer experience has become so important today, and why - “It’s time to stop juggling, and start creating value
It’s taken a global crisis to re-focus businesses and public services on creating genuine value instead of the old way of simply juggling the needs of the business, against the needs of customers and against the needs of staff - a situation, where in the end – NOBODY wins! It’s time to start creating genuine value with organisations adopting deliberate outward-facing strategies, that provide valued products and services, delivered by engaged and knowledgeable staff, empowered to meet and sometimes exceed the needs, wants and expectations of customers - resulting in mutually assured success. As the world embarks on a protracted journey of recovery, this shift towards value-centred relationships has created a new urgency for organisations to build a more sustainable environment that aligns the needs to the business, with the needs of customers, and the needs of staff, to create more genuine relationships – focused on creating mutual value and driving mutual success. Organisations, that will do well in the future, will be those that have learned from this change and avoid falling back into the ways of the past. In this episode we draw a big picture to represent this change, and consider a five step transition programme to “stop juggling, and start creating value”.

Practice guide

We’ve prepared a CTMA Practice Guide “Exploring the Keeping Improvement Continuous challenge” that summarises the key points in this episode.

Request your copy here 

Also mentioned in this episode